Prevail Over Partisan Politics

Are you, sick – and – tired, of public officials, seeming to, consistently, apparently prioritize their personal/ political agenda, and/ or, self – interest. rather than greater good, and developing a meeting – of – the – minds? When, certain politicians, appear to contradict themselves, and expose them, as hypocrites, etc, by changing their stances, and positions, depending on what they manage to believe, might serve their political best – interests, exactly why do voters, continue allowing this, and electing a lot of these individuals? In the past several years, we now have witnessed this, over, and more than – again, regarding many positions, and types of conditions, that ought to be considered, priorities! With, that at heart, this information will attempt to, briefly, consider, review, examine, and discuss, 5 specific areas, where we’ve got to insist upon, quality policy and actions, being prioritized, over, politics – as – usual!

  1. Infrastructure: For decades, America’s infrastructure is crumbling, and, as a consequence of an unwillingness, for taking timely action, during that time, conditions, today, are approaching, an unsafe condition! Shouldn’t our mass transit system, including our train and bus systems, be, state – of – the – art? What are they expecting, regarding, roads, bridges, tunnels, etc? Will there have to become some catastrophe, before they get it done? We are witnessing, today, partisan politics, once – again, entering the way, of meaningful, desirable actions!
  2. Climate: Who should we trust and believe, the politicians, that are denying the risks of Climate Change (and, even its existence), or scientists, and experts? Nearly, everyone, has seen, a substantial increase, inside numbers, and severity, of major weather – related issues, etc, and, when, ocean levels apparently be constantly, rising, the polar ice is melting, and predictions, of significant ramifications, to the future, shouldn’t we demand, those we elect, are more responsible, and responsive, in this field?
  3. Environment: Isn’t it our responsibility, to change – over, a planet, to generations to come, which can be safe, healthy, and human – friendly? We must address environmental issues, and make sure, cleaner air and water quality, etc!
  4. Constitutional guarantees: We must demand, our Constitution, is restored, to some symbol of freedom, rights, fairness, and democracy, around – the – world! This has to be done, comprehensively, rather than, merely, selective! Everyone should be able to expect, a fairer, legal, and judicial system, true, equal opportunities, in employment, education, etc, plus a nation, which puts people, before partisan politics!
  5. Public health: Unless/ until, we place overall, public health, in front of selfish, me – first, focus and emphasis, all of us lose! When, even, overcoming this horrific pandemic, gets a partisan political issue, all of us lose!

Wake up, America, and demand, policy and the ones, over partisan politics, personal/ political agendas, and self – interest! Will you stand – up, for, America, should, and need to be, and represent?

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